Gardiner, Martin, Sunley and Tyler – Spatially unbalanced growth in the British economy
Brakman, Garretsen, van Marrewijk – Resilience, trade and urbanisation
Beatty, Fothergill – The spatially uneven impact of welfare reform
Holden – Governance and growth: rebuilding the original modern city
Martin, Sunley, Gardiner and Tyler – Resilience and local economic growth paths
Huggins, Thompson – Entrepreneurship, culture and external economic shocks: a study of local resilience
Simmie – Regional economic resilience: a Schumpterian perspective
Pike, McCarthy, O’Brien, Marlow, Tomaney – Local institutions and local economic growth: the state of the Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPS) in England
Kleinman, Waite – London’s place in the UK economy
Kenny – Spatial economic rebalancing: the implications for Birmingham
Pratt – The LEP perspective: the truth, the half truth and nothing like the truth
Bristow, Healy – Agency choice and agenda: developing perspectives on economic resilience
Dawley, Mackinnon – Creating new pathways? Policy activism, offshore wind and the potential for industrial revitalisation in North East England and Scotland
Morgan – Regional innovation strategies: the challenge for collaboration and governance