Notes for Applicants
These notes should be read in conjunction with the CPEST/CBR Call for Projects document and the grant application form.
In order to be eligible to apply for a research grant the Principle Investigator associated with any proposed project must satisfy one (or more) of the following criteria:
- be a member of departmental or college academic staff in the University of Cambridge;
- be a member of the Cambridge Political Economy Society;
- be a member (including research associate) of the CBR.
Further, the proposed project must fall within the aims of the Cambridge Political Economy Society Trust (CPEST). These are (1) to advance the education of the public in political economy and related matters, and (2) to promote research in matters pertaining to political economy and to publish the useful results of such research.
The Trustees interpret research in political economy to include work of a theoretical, applied, interdisciplinary, history of thought or methodological nature, having a strong emphasis on realistic analysis, the development of critical perspectives, the provision and use of empirical evidence, and the construction of policy. The Trust therefore welcomes applications from heterodox economics as well as from other social science disciplines.
Application Process
Applications must be made via the grant application form. Completed forms, together with a short CV (maximum two pages) for each named member (main applicant, co-investigator or researcher) of the project, should be sent to Jacqui Lagrue at no later than 15th January 2015.
In preparing an application bear in mind that Trustees will be particularly concerned with the following three points:
- What precisely is the project and why is it intellectually important? How does it fit with the aims of CPEST?
- Can the proposed participants do the project justice? How will they take it forward in practice (stages, planned outputs etc.)?
- What are the costs associated with the project and how are these being funded?
Successful applicants will be required to submit an annual report of progress made and a report on completion of the project, using a form which will be prescribed for this purpose.
15th January 2015: Deadline for applications
February 2015: Shortlisting
March 2015: Notification of funding award(s)
Anticipated project start: Autumn 2015 or earlier