Registration and booking
Registration for the conference is now closed.
The cost of the conference is £150 for those who just wish to attend the first day or £220 for those attending both days and includes a Gala Dinner on the evening of Thursday 11th July.
Thanks to sponsorship from the UK Innovation Research Centre we are able to offer a limited number of FREE places at the Conference for post graduate students and early career researchers.
This sponsorship covers the cost of registration, attendees will be expected to cover their own transport and other incidental costs. If you wish to be considered for this sponsorship please apply to Angela Brennan at providing a brief CV and an explanation of what you are expecting to gain attending the conference.
Speakers and delegates are requested to book for this event by Friday 5th July 2013
Registration for the conference is now closed.
Register for the conference and book now
Note: accommodation requires a separate booking.
Accommodation is available at St Catharine’s College at £77 per night (including VAT) and can be booked using the link below:
Alternatively, there are a number of hotels nearby including those listed below: