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International Contributions to Labour Studies 5
 | Front cover International Contributions to Labour Studies 5, front cover 1995
 | Front matter International Contributions to Labour Studies 5, front matter 1995
 | Table of contents International Contributions to Labour Studies 5, pages i 1995
 | Working time and the Japanese challenge: the search for a European answer Gerhard Bosch, Steffen Lehndorff International Contributions to Labour Studies 5, pages 1-26 1995 |
 | Individual capitalisation pension plans and old-age pension benefits for low-paid workers in Chile Armando Barrientos, Luis Firinguetti International Contributions to Labour Studies 5, pages 27-43 1995 |
 | Recent developments in Mexican employment and the impact of NAFTA Enrique Dussel Peters International Contributions to Labour Studies 5, pages 45-98 1995 |
 | Labour solitudes: Quebec labour, free trade, and Canadian labour politics Carla Lipsig-Mumme International Contributions to Labour Studies 5, pages 71-86 1995 |
 | A phoenix from the ashes of apprenticeship? Vocational training in Britain David Marsden International Contributions to Labour Studies 5, pages 87-114 1995 |
 | The French system of training levies and the dynamics of the wage-earning relationship Philippe Méhaut International Contributions to Labour Studies 5, pages 115-129 1995 |
 | Incentives, bargaining and trust: alternative scenarios for the future of work Benjamin Coriat International Contributions to Labour Studies 5, pages 131-151 1995 |
 | Back matter International Contributions to Labour Studies 5, back matter 1995
 | Back cover International Contributions to Labour Studies 5, back cover 1995