The 2025 Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society Conference – ‘The Climate Crisis: making cities resilient’

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Date(s) - Thursday, July 17, 2025 - Friday, July 18, 2025
09:00 - 17:00

Categories No Categories

The annual Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society conference will be held on 17-18 July 2025, at St Catharine’s College, Cambridge, UK.
The 2025 CJRES conference theme is ‘The Climate Crisis: making cities resilient’.
Scientific evidence that human activity is the principal cause of global climate warming is unequivocal (IPCC, 2023). No matter the evidence examined, the data are compelling – global temperature rise, warming oceans, or shrinking ice sheets. Climate scientists sounded the alarm as early as the 1950s. However, politicians at all levels and world leaders have only recently resolved to address the climate crisis. This conference will look to address the fundamental questions about the role and experiences of regions, cities and their governments in the face of the global climate crisis.
Conference themes include:

  • The value of scales of intervention – from the international, national to local. Does the city scale really matter in making cities climate resilient?
  • The role of the private sector in urban climate action – e.g., creative financing and pension funds, real estate firms?
  • Reflecting on broader urban-rural political tensions and impacts on city resilience?

Keynote Speakers include:

  • Marc-André Blanchard, Executive Vice-President of the Caisse de Dépôt and Placement du Québec (CDPQ)
  • Professor Robin Leichenko, Department of Geography, Rutgers University
  • Professor William Solecki, Professor and Founder Director, Emeritus, CUNY Institute for Sustainable Cities

Those interested in presenting a paper at the conference should submit an abstract of no more than 400 words to the conference committee by email, by DEADLINE EXTENDED to 1 APRIL 2025.
The conference committee would like to invite contributions that address fundamental questions about the role and experiences of regions, cities and their governments in the face of the global climate crisis, including:

  • How can an urban/regional lens inform our understanding of the origins, impact, and – particularly – responses to the climate crisis?
  • What novel initiatives and policy approaches have emerged at the urban level to combat climate change? To what extent are these led by city governments versus other public and private sector actors?
  • How do these local initiatives impact prosperity, employment opportunities, and economic renewal? And how do they address climate justice, ensuring that damages from the crisis as well as solutions to the crisis do not unfairly burden the poor?
  • How to balance place-based adaptation and migration-oriented adaptation incentives?
  • Will climate crisis and local fiscal crisis re-enforce each other and exacerbate regional inequality?
  • How easily can locally successful models be transferred to other cities and regions?
  • How are urban and regional green transitions shaped and constrained by larger (national and supranational) institutional frameworks?
  • How do responses to the climate crisis reshape our understanding of the role of cities, regions, and their governments in shaping social and economic change?

Download the full conference submission details HERE.
It is not necessary to give a paper to attend the conference, you can purchase a delegate ticket to attend, these will be made available shortly.
If you wish to submit a paper to the journal issue on these themes then go to:

All attendees to the conference have to register to attend, please see below. Please note accommodation is not included in the delegate fees.

There are a few fully sponsored student delegate tickets available for early career researchers and PhD students, to attend the conference. To apply for a sponsored student delegate ticket please complete the APPLICATION FORM and return it to Please note these sponsored places are only for the conference delegate ticket, it does not cover accommodation or travel costs.

Please note in the event that you need to cancel your registration a full refund can be arranged up to 50 days after the original transaction booking date, providing it is before 3 July 2025. All Paypal transactions are subject to Paypal transactions charges, these and any additional administration fees will be deducted from the refund. All Paypal transactions are subject to Paypal’s Privacy Policy.

The conference will take place in the McGrath Conference Centre, at St Catharine’s College, Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 1RL. There is no parking onsite, see the Parking in Cambridge webpage and the Finding the College webpage for further directions to the College.

Accommodation for the conference should be booked directly by the delegate.  Some accommodation is available at St Catharine’s College but it is limited and allocated on a first come basis.
Alternatively, there a number of other options nearby, including those listed below:


Professor Betsy Donald, Queen’s University, Canada
Professor Meric Gertler, University of Toronto, Canada
Professor Amy Glasmeier, MIT Urban Studies and Planning Dept, U.S.A.
Associate Professor Michael Kitson, University of Cambridge, U.K.
Professor Siqi Zheng, MIT Center for Real Estate, U.S.A.

Any conference enquiries can be sent to



Paypal Bookings information:
All bookings will comply with the CPES Privacy Policy and Paypal Privacy Policy



Ticket Type Price Spaces
Two day delegate ticket £390.00
Student ticket £195.00

Registration Information

Payment and Confirmation