Divergent Cities Conference Presentations


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DAY ONE: Thursday, 16 July 2015

Presentation Title Presenter
Session 1: Divergent Cities; the underlying causes
Chair: Peter Sunley, University of Southampton
Divergent Cities in Post Industrial Britain’ Ron Martin, University of Cambridge
‘A Century of Cities: Urban Economic Change since 1911’ Andrew Carter, Centre for Cities
‘Taxi Drivers with a PhD?:
the relation between higher educated workers, crowding out and unemployment of lower educated in cities
Harry  Garretsen, University of Groningen
Session 2: Divergent cities; the nature of the local problem
Chair: Mia Gray, University of Cambridge
Birmingham: securing a World Class City for all Richard Kenny, Birmingham City Council
‘Are cities really the motor of UK regional economic growth? Steve Fothergill, Sheffield Hallam University
‘Capital, Institutions and Urban Growth Systems’ Robert Huggins, University of Cardiff
Session 3: Divergent cities; an international perspective (Part One)
Chair: Judit Torokne-Roza, European Commission
Leveraging Urbanization in South Asia for Improved Prosperity and Livability Mark Roberts, World Bank
‘The Growth and Decline of Cities: Not Symmetrical Phenomena Philip McCann, University of Groningen
City size and Economic Growth Susanne Frick, London School of Economics
Session 4: Divergent cities; an international perspective (Part Two)
Chair: Harry Garretsen, University of Groningen
Transforming Specialization: Lessons from Los Angeles and San Francisco Tom Kemeny, University of Southampton
‘Productive cities – Evidence from the OECD Alexander Lembcke, OECD

DAY TWO: Friday, 17 July 2015

Session 5: Divergent cities; recovery and policy (Part One)
Chair: Mark Roberts, World Bank
Spatially Rebalancing the UK Economy: the Need for a New Policy Model Pete Tyler, University of Cambridge
‘Mythic Manchester: Devo Manc, the Northern Powerhouse and rebalancing the English economy’ Graham Haughton, University of Manchester
‘The quantitative easing of a finance capital: how London came so well out of the post-2007 crisis’ Ian Gordon, London School of Economics
Session 6: Divergent cities; recovery and policy (Part Two)
Chair: Ben Gardiner, University of Cambridge
‘Devolution to UK cities: answering the wrong question’ Alan Harding & Nicola Headlam, University of Liverpool
‘From Deindustrialized to Up-Skilled City-Regions? The Political Economy of Governance Failure’ David Etherington, Middlesex University & Martin Jones, The University of Sheffield
The Signature of Convergence and Divergence in Two Cities Kinda Al Sayed and Alan Penn, University College London